Fee Structure
We only take on work if we feel that our core competence can add substantial value to a client’s business. We will always seek to ensure that you are best served by us. This is reflected in our Terms of Business, which include the following policies:
We generally provide lean teams of lawyers that follow your matter from start to finish, even over the course of many years. The lawyer(s) that you request to work on a matter will not be added to or changed without your agreement.
We generally charge for our services on the basis of the time we spend on a matter and the scope agreed with you. We are open to discussing alternative fee arrangements, such as fixed fees or "all you can eat" arrangements, depending on the size of the transaction and the duration of our engagement.
Fair Billing Policy
We do not charge for time spent on:
Our internal communications (for instance where one of our lawyers briefs another one of our lawyers).
Duplicate work, unless specifically agreed upon by you (for instance, where more than one of our lawyers attends a meeting or reviews a document, we only charge for one of the lawyers).
Reviewing and drafting improvements to documents we have drafted, where the improvements are suggested by you.
Learning, and being kept informed about your business in general.
Being kept informed in relation to general commercial developments on a matter.
Interpreting a document for you that we have previously drafted or negotiated.
Weekly, monthly and quarterly reports to you on our progress on a matter.